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Recursively delete 'node_modules' folders

Posted on:May 12, 2023 at 08:42 AM

As I am using a 256GB hard-drive, I often need to free up space. I have many projects on my computer, and each project has a node_modules folder. These folders can take up a lot of space, so I often delete them. However, I don’t want to go through each project and delete the node_modules folder manually. So I found a terminal command on stackoverdlow to do it for me.

find /path/to/start -name "node_modules" -type d -prune -exec rm -rf {} +


find: This is the command that searches for files in a directory hierarchy

/path/to/start: This is the directory you want to start searching from. Replace this with your actual starting directory

-name "node_modules": This tells find to search for directories with the name “node_modules”

-type d: This tells find to only search for directories (not files)

-prune: This prevents find from descending into the current file. This is needed because if find descends into the directory before deleting it, it can cause errors.

-exec rm -rf {} +: This tells find to execute the rm -rf command (which deletes directories) on each directory it finds. The {} is replaced by the current file name. Including the + passes the list of directories to a single rm -rf command instead of running it on each directory individually as explained here.